January 2004
Scrabble using nothing but XHTML, CSS and JavaScript
Thursday, 29 January 2004 21:28
The man in blue created a full game of solitaire Scrabble on a web page.
The business case for web accessibility
Thursday, 22 January 2004 20:21
Web site accessibility is about making a site accessible to the largest range of people possible.
Rob oudkerk heeft mijn stem
Wednesday, 21 January 2004 19:07
Bij de volgende gemeenteraadsverkiezing stem ik in ieder geval niet op de PvdA.
Bleep Store
Sunday, 18 January 2004 21:28
Warp records is selling it’s full catalogue as high-quality MP3’s.
Extreme arguments
Sunday, 18 January 2004 14:31
On the web discussions and opinions tend to get rather extreme pretty fast.
Open Source bij de Overheid
Sunday, 18 January 2004 12:45
Open, internationale standaarden voor software ontwikeling in de publieke sector.
There are no exceptions to Bray’s Law
Wednesday, 14 January 2004 09:17
If you can’t be bothered to make a syndication feed that’s well-formed XML, than you are an incompetent fool.
Create your own magazine and do it yourself
Wednesday, 14 January 2004 09:02
Bruce Eckel gives a nice illustration of what newsreader/aggregator software allows you to do.
Questions to ask before hiring a web designer
Monday, 12 January 2004 11:32
Hiring a company or person to design a web site can be a confusing task. Here are some key questions to ask, and some of the things to look for in the answers.
Apple is fucking its ‘international’ customers
Thursday, 08 January 2004 16:22
Why are Apple products so much more expensive outside of the US?
Reading RSS feeds on the iPod
Monday, 05 January 2004 12:48
The Shrook aggregator exports your feeds to the iPod.