Copyright notice explained

Note to K·D·P·J·E·: The copyright notice below means that you are allowed to use, to copy, to distribute, to display, to perform and to make derivative works of the writing on this website under the conditions set by the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licence. You are not allowed to blatantly copy my visual design.

By the way, the item you decided to copy to your weblog as your first post does not apply to the current design, but to a previous version. The design you stole does not depend on attribute selectors, PNG images, adjacent selectors, and fixed positioning. It works fine in Internet Explorer, although it looks better in a better browser.

Please be creative and do not simply copy somebody else’s ideas.

Update: It’s all gone now. This is what it looked like.

Note: If you were looking at this page in a more modern browser like Mozilla Firefox or Safari, it would look and work better and faster.
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