Faking Lomo
Jake Ingman wrote a tutorial for faking lomo pictures with Photoshop. I always use The Gimp, so here is his tutorial rewritten for Gimp users.

- Open a picture.
- From the menu choose ‘Image: Colors: Brightness-Contrast’ and increase the contrast by 30.
- From the menu choose ‘Image: Colors: Hue-Saturation’ and increase the saturation by 30.
- Choose the ‘Rectangular Selection’ tool.
- Open the ‘Tool Options’ dialog.
- Select ‘Feather’ and change the feather amount to ⅛th of the width of your picture.
- Select your entire picture. Choosing ‘Select: All’ from the menu will not work.
- From the menu choose ‘Select: Invert’.
- Create a new layer in the ‘Layers, Channels & Paths’ dialog.
- Change your primary color to black. Fill the selection on the new, blank layer.
- Change the mode of this layer to ‘Overlay’.
- Duplicate the layer.
- From the menu choose ‘Select: None’.
- Now select your base layer (the one with the picture on it).
- Create a new layer.
- Select the ‘Blend’ tool.
- Change the gradient type to ‘Radial’.
- Change the blend type to ‘FG to transparant’.
- Change your primary color to white.
- With the blend tool selected, click in the middle of the picture, and drag the line out to the farthest edge of your picture (if it’s a portrait, use top or bottom, if landscape, use left or right).
- Change the mode of this layer to ‘Overlay’.
- Change the Opacity of this layer to 80% (or whatever you see fit, you’ll see what I mean).
Update: My good friend Avi wrote a Script-Fu script for this effect.
Another update: Ismael Valladolid Torres wrote another Lomo Script-Fu script.